Day 16
Today I got a tour of the inside of the hospital. There is a men's room, a woman's room , and SCI room and a pediatric room all stationed off the ED. The rooms are large squares that have several cots where the patients stay. Right now no one has a private room, but they are building a new ED where they hope to have some private rooms. The rooms are loud and hot, but the patients are getting good free medical care , so that is all that really matters! They also get fed for free, which is novel for Haiti hospitals. Usually family needs to bring the patient food and medicine. Here they. Get both for free! Today we popped by the men's unit to check out a kiddo who they though had guillian barre. Just like at home, it was unclear if he actually had it or not, but we evaluated him anyway. He was able to walk from the IP part of the hospital to our little gym. We gave him some exercises and are having him come back tomorrow to see how he is doing. We saw the same patients that w...