Day 10
Today was my " off "day from wounds. I have most people coming back MWF. Despite this, I still saw a ton of rashes and other random skin ailments. I also did a lot of screening for the general medical team. I tested a lot of pee for UTIs, looked in a bunch of ears, listened to a lot of lungs and took many blood pressures. Here a " normal BP" is about 150/90. I had one as high as 250/110! There was a lot of educating on the importance of food choices as well as adding dholeaf to their food. Dholeaf ( or merengue in English) is a super super food that grows in abundance here in Haiti. It has many properties but can help lower blood pressure and has a ton of nutrients in it. I had many people who came in today who eat only one meal per day because they cannot afford food. I told them all to crush up some dholeaf and add that to their food to help with nutrition. It is so sad to see so many hungry people. I wish I could give them some food, but, if we start giving out food people will come to us for that purpose only. We would not be able to see the people who need medical help.
We had an interesting patient today, a dog!!!! He was injured during the night. The interpreter who owned him asked if he could be castes to make his broken leg more comfortable. Whatever they did worked. The puppy seemed a bit more comfortable by the time he left!
At night we had s salsa lesson. Wahoo! More dancing! And were treated to a song sung by some of the pediatric rehab techs as well as our prosthetist. They were so good!
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