First day treating with thme new crew! Today was nuts. I was literally running around like a chicken with my head cut off ( but I loved it !). I think I saw about 12 people before lunch. Two of them were the people that we had sent to be seen by American doctors at a mission nearby. Unfortunately those doctors had taken their money and done nothing to help them. I was very annoyed and angry. Luckily one of the new NPs can do stitching , so we were able to do some minor surgery on one and we just fixed the steri strips on another. We had another kid come in who had s fresh cut that needed stitches so we did that. I had a lady who had been attacked by a bunch of people. They had put a machete in a fire and burned her leg and in hen punched her in the head and cut her hand with the machete. There were several happier cases I saw today as well. A lot of the wounds I saw last week are finally looking good with a healthy clean base which is always good to see! After clinic we all went for a walk around town and then ate a delish pasta dinner (yum!!)
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